Hi there! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Amanda and my
fiance husband is
Iriapa. I talk about him a lot so get used it. He's super cool though so you probably won't mind. Life story in terms of location/major events: I was born in Michigan and had the
best childhood as a tomboy (I lived with all brothers). Moved to Utah for six years and played softball, took dancing & singing lessons, and
poufed my hair really big. Moved to Hawaii and finally discovered what it feels like to be a minority. Which was good. You should definitely try it if you haven't already. Went to the college across the street and met a super fine boy. Moved to Australia to follow said hottie (and worked as a nanny! So fun). Went to his dreamy homeland of New Zealand and pretty much took a 3 month long vacation. Then married the heck out of him back in Hawaii!
In terms of personality... I try to be open minded, adventurous, intelligent (both books & practically), creative, and a general optimist. I love being a hippy and a tree hugger as much as I can. I'm attempting to earn a bachelor's degree in Computer Programming. I'm a hardcore member of the
LDS church and I love it! Oh and if you've met me, you know that my favorite color is
green. :D